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Feature Interview: What I Would Ask Ray Lewis (CBS Correspondent Article2)

Published by on May 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Ray Lewis is my number one favorite NFL player and undeniably one of the greatest linebackers in the league.  If I was ever given the chance to interview him one day it would be a great honor and dream come true. Below are some of the questions I would ask in a feature interview.

First of all, I would like to say thank you for being here and congratulations on a highly successful season.


Question One: How do you feel the 2008-2009 season went for the Baltimore Ravens?

Thankfully, you were re-signed with the team Ray, Terrell Suggs franchised and there was a lot of speculation about what could have occurred or may still occur with the team and possible moves that are yet to be mad...

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