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Fireside Chat: 10 Questions for Eli Manning

Published by on May 10, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Eli Manning [E-lie Man-ing] - noun 1. New York Giants Quarterback often criticized by both fans and media despite catapulting to fourth on the Giants all-time passing list and winning the Super Bowl XLII Most Valuable Player award. Synonyms: 1. Easy-E is also a term to describe the former number one (overall) draft pick. Usage Note: See - Aw Shucks, Deer in Headlights and Super Bowl XLII Most Valuable Player What would you ask a player from favorite team? And more importantly, what would you ask a man who has been in the spotlight of the New York media for over five years and has likely been asked every question at least twice? If the opportunity to interview a member of the New York Giants ever arose, I’d be hard-pressed not t...

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