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Five Plays the Dallas Cowboys Offense Would Be Wise to Keep in Their Playbook for 2009

Published by on May 28, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

After a disappointing finish to a roller coaster season in 2008, the Dallas Cowboys players, coaches, and fans were left with plenty to worry about over the off-season. A team that had looked like a true contender to start the year was suddenly looking like just another team. If the Cowboys hope to improve their bottom line in 2009, then there is absolutely no arguing that a lot has to change between now and then. Of all of the disappointments that the 2008 season brought to the forefront, perhaps none was more surprising than the decline of their once stellar offense. Offensive coordinator Jason Garrett, who only one year prior had been considered the odds-on favorite to replace Wade Phillips when and if he left Dallas, was suddenly be...

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