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Forty-Niner Fanhood: From the Past to the Future

Published by on May 19, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

When people meet my dad for the first time, it only takes them one glance to see that his nose has been subject to some abuse during his time.

While many of the stories surrounding my old man's crooked beak are worthy of retelling, if you ask him which one stands out the most he'll tell you my favorite story, which involves me, even though I don't remember it.

I was about two or three-years old at the time, and my dad and I were on the living room floor, perched in front of the television as both my parent's beloved San Francisco 49ers took to the field.

As the story goes—the best I can retell it—Joe Montana (the first hero of my childhood) had just hooked up with Dwig...

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