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How the Patriots Have Copied the Oakland Raiders

Published by on May 3, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

This is a multi-faceted argument on why the Hall of Fame has shortchanged the legacy of the Raiders, the problems of cheating, and why the legacy of the Raiders is still alive and well, just in a different team...The New England Patriots.

One reason that the NFL writers have shortchanged the Raiders is that they often emphasize players with a long and trivial career of statistics (i.e. Dan Marino), or relatively short careers in which a player achieved greatness with statistics (i.e. Steve Young). 

The writers (i.e. Peter King) then denigrate players that had relatively short careers, but achieved greatness (i.e. Jim Plunkett) without trivial statistics, or long careers of ho-hum yet sig...

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