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I Am a Washington Redskin

Published by on May 22, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

And I'm gosh darned proud of it, too.

The controversy over Washington Redskins' controversial name flared up again when the U.S. Court of Appeals upheld a lower court ruling that upheld trademark protection for the team logo and name "Washington Redskins."

After nearly five decades cheering for the team, I just don't want to change to something safe, like Potomac River. "Washington Generals" is already taken.

My late father, bless his soul, took me to my first Redskin game in 1962 because he wanted me to see a Negro—we were all Negroes, then—play for the home team.

The Redskins traded their draft rights to Syracuse sensation Ernie Davis to Cleveland for running back ...

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