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It’s Michigan Vs. Ohio State; Cleveland Browns Style

Published by on June 4, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Can you imagine Brian Robiskie singing "Hail to the Victors" to the team before the Browns practice? How about Braylon Edwards having to wear a Buckeye jersey for a week in practice?

Does it sound crazy? Yes, but something crazy like this is bound to happen. Edwards is the number one receiver and Brian Robiskie could start on the other side. I can see a friendship developing between these two. Edwards already said it is exciting to have him as a teammate because he was a ball boy when Edwards first arrived.

Although they will likely be friends there is one thing that will come up this Thanksgiving weekend. Braylon Edwards played for Michigan and Brian Robiskie played for Ohio State. On that day they will be bitter en...

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