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John Madden’s Legendary, Sometimes-Ridiculed, Voice Will Live On Forever

Published by on April 17, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

I know the headline makes this sound like some kind of eulogy. No, we have not lost John Madden the person yet. But after announcing his retirement Thursday, we have lost John Madden the broadcaster, a true legend in the business. At 73, Madden has limited time left on Earth, but his voice is truly immortal. Though it has often been the butt of many jokes, most famously Frank Caliendo’s dead-on impression, there’s no denying his presence in the game of football.

His name, face and voice are all instantly recognizable by any self-respecting fan of the game. He is the face and voice of football. He is the inspiration behind arguably the greatest video game franchise of all time.

Despite what many younger f...

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