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Johnnie Lee Higgins: Stupid, Dumb, and Hyphy

Published by on June 9, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

One of my favorite players to watch on the Oakland Raiders is Johnnie Lee Higgins. When Johnnie Lee Higgins scores a touchdown he doesn't hand the ball to the ref and walk to the sidelines for some Gatorade. When Johnnie Lee scores, he's going to let the whole stadium know what time it is.

Johnnie Lee Higgins gets stupid, dumb, and hyphy.

At age 25, coming into his third full season, 2009 looks to be a big year for Higgins. Under the radar by many NFL experts, he has made a name for himself in Oakland.

Each season he has improved, from his rookie season in 2007 to 2008. You could see Higgins becoming better each game. The 2008 season was great for him. Higgins lead the NFL in these stats for Punt returns:...

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