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Keep Your Shirt On: Andre Smith Is The Best Tackle In The Draft

Published by on April 20, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Ok, I think that we can all agree that a shirtless Andre Smith looks like Hurley from Lost after bingeing on lard filled Krispy Kremes for a week.

Andre's physique reminds me of that super tan old lady that tongue kissed the dog in There's Something About Mary. If you watch his 40 on super slo-mo, Mr. Smith looks like he had a pair of old socks filled with pennies and surgically adhered to his chest. But let's move past that Bizarro Bo Derek image and move on to his "off-field issues".

Sure he has not been the most savvy player in navigating the sea of irrelevance that is the pre-draft run up. And yes he was kicked to the curb for inappropriate conduct by Nick friggin' Saban. I mean Nick Saban telling you are that y...

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