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Leroy Hill Case: Good Business Off Field, Not On It

Published by on April 29, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

The bottom line on the Seahawks letting linebacker Leroy Hill become an unrestricted free agent: It might be good business off the field, but they're shooting themselves in the foot on the field.

President Tim Ruskell said the Seahawks rescinded the $8.3 million franchise tender because it was hindering negotiations and preventing the Seahawks from making a few more moves.

First, let's do the math so everyone understands where Seattle sits under the $127 million salary cap.

Adding Hill's $8.3 million gave the Seahawks over $15 million. They spent $3 million to sign cornerback Ken Lucas and fullback Justin Griffith this week. They'll spend about $5 million on their rookies, and they like to enter the seaso...

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