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My (Hopeful) Future Interview with Big Ben Roethlisberger

Published by on May 11, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

When I first read the E-mail from CBSSport saying they wanted an article about what questions we would ask if we could conduct an interview with our favorite player, I was practically jumping out of my skin.

I had to sit down, and realize, that when it comes time to interview one of these superstars, I would have to put my "homer" hat away, and put my reporter hat on.  That means, the tough questions need to be asked, even if it something they don't necessarily want to answer.

I had a hard time choosing between Big Ben Roethlisberger and Troy Polamalu.  Even though Ben is considerably larger than Troy, I have seen how Troy hits people and really, that doesen't appeal to me.

So I decided to ...

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