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NFLPA Speaking Out Against Limbaugh Is About Politics

Published by on October 13, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Rush Limbaugh wants to purchase the St. Louis Rams.  The NFLPA chief DeMaurice Smith has spoken out against it.  

The next few months will again show how much politics can affect sports, which we all wish were politics-free.

If you think Smith's ties to President Barack Obama has nothing to do with it, then you are a Kool-Aid drinker.

Politics have probably always been a part of the NFL, as it is affects all of our lives, whether we like it or not. But blocking someone from purchasing a team because they don't agree with their political beliefs is a slippery slope with no end.

And no, it isn't about racism. Sorry again to those drunk on the Kool-Aid.

Racism is just the car...

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