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Okay Guys, I’ll Stop Throwing Interceptions: By Rex Grossman

Published by on May 27, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Okay guys, I get it, joke's over. I'll stop throwing interceptions.

You made your point with this whole "cut me from the team, nobody else in the NFL will sign me," thing. I think I understand that there are some things I need to work on.

Its come to my attention that I haven't quite grasped certain fundamental concepts when it comes to playing quarterback.

For example, I was under the impression that "checking-down" meant locking onto the receiver running the deepest route, throwing it as far and hard as I can into double and sometimes triple coverage, and grimacing when it turns out to be an interception. Turns out that's not what a "check-down" is. Seriously, its not. I was surprised, too.

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