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Orakpo Switch to OLB Rivals New Coke for Epic Stupidity

Published by on June 8, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

DC Landing Strip correspondent Marion's Crackpipe checks in with some opinions on Brian Orakpo and the Great Position Switch of 2009.

Last week a genius idea struck me. Let's draft the best defensive lineman in college, pay him tons of money, then make him play linebacker. No, better idea. Let's make him learn two positions!

Just when I thought I had the Mensa Genius Award locked up, Cerrato amd company beat me to it. It's not the first time, either: I once had this idea of paying an overrated white guy record—breaking amounts of cash to miss tackles for my favorite team. Cerrato took that one and ran with it too.

'Skins first round pick Brian Orakpo, the 2008 Nagurski Award recipient for the best ...

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