Featured, NFL NEWS

Panthers Steal the Heart of America’s Most Loyal Fan

Published by on May 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

One of my pet peeves in life is the abundance of fair weather, bandwagon-jumping, fickle fans that litter the landscape of the sports world. These "fans" change favorite teams about as often as they change their underwear.

I must admit that, as a young sports fan back in the early 1970’s, I was a bandwagon jumper, as well. The teams that became my favorites were perennial powerhouses of that era.

For instance, when I chose a favorite Major League Baseball team, I hitched a ride with The Big Red Machine of Cincinnati. The Reds won back-to-back world championships in ’75-’76 with household names like Bench, Rose, and Morgan.

Bleacher Report - NFL
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