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ProFootballTalk.com Bought by NBC—Is This Good?

Published by on June 14, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Sunday night, Blurb friend and excellent LA Times scribe Sam Farmer broke the story that Mike Florio's Web site, ProFootballTalk.com, will be purchased by NBC.

NBC plans to feature it prominently on the NBC Sports site.

For those who don't know (and if you're reading this on ThunderingBlurb.com or BleacherReport.com, you probably do know) PFT was begun by Florio about eight years ago as a way for the then-lawyer to riff on the news of the day in the NFL.

Florio has broken quite a few stories over the years—as pointed out by Farmer, most famously the erroneous death of Terry Bradshaw (which should be a book, rock band, or film if it isn't already).

Take a second and read Sam's piece at LATim...

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