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Rudderless Jets Limp Into Another Potential Draft Debacle!

Published by on April 19, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

As most NFL franchises seem to have a pretty good idea what they'll be looking for in terms of impact and talent on their rosters, the New York Jets limp into the 2009 as rudderless as ever before.

While conventional wisdom and consensus dictates the Jets need a starting quarterback, they won't find one with the 17th pick and the chances of trading up for anyone who will make an immediate impact is remote.

So as the Jets sit on the 17th pick, who will they draft?

Some think the Jets will go after needs such as a blocking tight end with the departure of Chris Baker or a big time receiver with the loss Lavernius Coles. Could the Jets pull the trigger and trade up for a Michael Crabtree of Texas Tech?<...

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