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Second Chances In The NFL

Published by on June 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

The 2009 season is around the corner.Will Mike Vick get his second chance?I don't see why he shouldn't. Don't take this the wrong way i love dogs and what he did was so wrong it made me sick.

But with that said i do realize you have to put human life first over dogs. And with all the players killing people with cars and beating there wife's and still playing its just not fair to mike Vick. Lets just look at this realistically.

A dog will fight another dog with out prompt that's just the way it is. It is never OK to put your hands on a women or drink and drive. Now lets look at other ball players who got second chances.

First up Ray Lewis was involved in a murder some one was stabbed to death and ...

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