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Setting It Straight About The Philadelphia Sports Fan Stereotype

Published by on May 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

I am a Philadelphia Sports Fan. I am passionate, knowledgable and resolute in my opinions. I boo when the team or an individual is not giving their best effort.

Do I not have that right? I have paid large amounts of money to see my favorite teams compete. And when they don't compete I don't get any portion of my money back. I am simply voicing my displeasure. Lets call it The First Amendment Part 2: The Freedom of the boo.

I do not get in fights in the stands, throw snowballs at visiting teams or soak opposing fans in beer. If I see an enemy jersey sure I will heckle a little. Nothing disrespectful, I dont know that person. Just a little witty jab about that persons team. And I can honestly say that I am the prototy...

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