Featured, NFL NEWS

Setting the Bar on the Dallas Cowboys’ 2009 Season

Published by on May 9, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

It's that time of year again.

Fans of the NBA and NHL are in the middle of cheering for their team’s playoff lives; fans of the MLB are just getting settled into another great season of baseball; meanwhile, fans of the NFL are miserably and impatiently counting down the days until next season.

NFL fans still have 123 days to wait it out before the Tennessee Titans face the defending champion Pittsburgh Steelers to open the 2009 season, and 126 days before opening Sunday.

It is in this period of football fan purgatory (Hell is, of course, the day after the Super Bowl, and Heaven is the beginning of the new season) that fans are left with nothing else to do but to speculate on what the coming season h...

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