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Shaun Hill: Defending the 49ers Quarterback

Published by on May 6, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

When I tell the ladies I like chick flicks, I get a response of "aw, that's cute," followed by a cuddle and a lifetime placement in the friend zone. Funny thing is, I get a similar response when I tell people I am comfortable with Shaun Hill as the quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers. People tell me, "oh how cute," give me a pat on the back and never take me seriously again. Well, it's time I defend myself with the ammunition of substance, and I don't mean the chick flicks (even though The Princess Bride was fantastic). I'm talking about Hill. If you were told your team could get a quarterback still under 30 with a career passer rating of over 90 and a winning record of .700, you would take him in an instant, right?  If y...

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