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Spontaneous Human Combustion: Exposing the Myth

Published by on May 27, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

When I married my wife in 1997, I was already an incurable Packer fan. My wife understood that and she put up with it well.

When I visited her outside of Packer viewing area she went with me to the sports bar to catch the games. Once we lived together, although we had free cable, she allowed me to take down and put up the Direct TV every Sunday just to watch the games.

She still finds it funny how I know where every player attended college - though its not as funny to her when I start drilling her on her team, "Quick babe, where did Tony Romo go to college?"

But overall she enjoys watching the games with me although her stamina for it does not extend all day like mine does. Somewhere in the early game, la...

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