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Steelers’ Roethlisberger Is Making Hall of Fame Company

Published by on June 4, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Media bias never ceases to amaze me with the impact it has on viewers.  I have come to believe we’re all lemmings of one form or another, or one of the proverbial Buffaloes that follows the herd over the cliff.  Put it on TV, let it come from a sports announcer, read it in a paper, we believe it.  If you were to listen to ESPN, FoxSports, or other media outlets, athletes like Tom Brady and Peyton Manning are great quarterbacks, yet Ben Roethlisberger has to fight just to get into the discussion. 

In addition, the media perpetuates labels.  Remember when Ben went 13-0 as a rookie?  And the announcers used the phrase “he manages the game”?  Wrongfully, it&rs...

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