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Teams Should Be More Unconventional: Vick, The Wildcat, and David and Goliath

Published by on June 4, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

The most interesting thing about the Wildcat offense was not that it broke with conventional football wisdom, but that teams don't break conventional wisdom that often.

Author Malcolm Gladwell, who wrote "Blink" and "Outliers," points out in his latest article (available here) that when less-talented teams beat favorites (i.e., when David beats Goliath), they usually do so by adopting unconventional methods.

Gladwell uses the full-court press in basketball as an example, as it throws off the timing and rhythm of talented offensive teams. However, the same principles apply to football as well.

It's telling to note when the Dolphins first broke out their new—or "so-old-it's-new"—offense against ...

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