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That’s Right Thomas Jones, Get Your Butt Back On The Field

Published by on May 30, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

It's a team game Thomas Jones, come on, I know you know that. So when your team doesn't make the playoffs the first two seasons you belong to it, why are you asking for a raise? I guess you finally realized it wasn't the right move.

The first season you averaged 3.6 yards per carry and crossed the goal line with the ball in your hands just once. You also started a play with the ball in your hands, and twice finished the play without it. 

More fumbles than touchdowns? Nice. The Jets were irrelevant but your paycheck wasn't. You were originally signed to a four year, $20 million deal, and I thought THAT was a little bit of a reach. 

The season prior to your signing, with the Bears, you averaged 4....

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