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The Case for Michael Vick on the Redskins: As If Dan Snyder Needs Convincing
Published by DC Landing Strip on June 4, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL
Listen, I'm no Redskins apologist. I hate Dan Snyder with all but two fibers in my being (the two that realize that he's better than this guy). I hope Vinny Cerrato chokes on a Danish or, better yet, is fired. FedEx is Hell on Earth.
Also, I love puppies, and the worst harm I'd ever inflict on one would be to boot a really tiny loud one off a bridge.
But the Redskins had better dig their star-horny claws into Michael Vick and never let go—and not just because the jersey sales will correlate to an illogical 45 percent rise in FedEx concession prices. It will work for the Redskins on the field, and if you remember, that's the point.
Several r...
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