Featured, NFL NEWS

The End of a Legacy: John Madden Retires

Published by on April 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

The look of the NFL has officially been changed today.  Legendary broadcaster and Hall of Fame coach John Madden has decided to end of his illustrious career.

As a Steelers fan, I have to say, I am going to miss him.

I know he hates the Steelers.  But I loved when he called our games. 

You could be sure that every time Madden would announce a Steelers' game, we would hear Al Michaels bring up the Immaculate Reception.

That would be followed by Madden explaining how the call was not fair and that the Raiders should have won that game.

I remember when Madden made the comment that the statues in the Hall of Fame would talk to each other at night, and they would have won...

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