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The Top Five Worst NFL Quarterbacks of 2009

Published by on December 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

They are pitiful. They throw bad passes, tipped balls, and interceptions. They hold onto the ball too long, take sacks, and lose fumbles. But worst of all, they lose games. And almost even worse, they probably played a helping hand in derailing your fantasy football team. There are several guys you could turn to as the worst quarterback in the league: Marc Bulger, Derek Anderson (above), but in order to qualify, even the "worst" at his position for a season needs to meet a requirement. Anyone on this list must have played at least eight games, thrown 200 passes, and been picked off 10 times. The most interesting part about this piece likely isn't who ranks where, or what their numbers were, but why their team let them play this poorly ...

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