Featured, NFL NEWS

To Roger Goodell: Don’t Un-Americanize Football

Published by on May 3, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

According to the Kansas City Star, in the next eight years, the NFL will move it's biggest game outside of the United States and across the border to London, England.

Quoting the article, the NFL has assured London that they will hold the Super Bowl as early as 2014.

In the current state of the US, there isn't anything more American than football.  When it comes to sports, the majority of Americans call football their favorite.

From the monster Paul Tagliabue built, to what Roger Goodell now has to handle, football has taken over the sports market. 

ESPN covers football all year round, it was the first of the four major sports to have its own channel—it's the man among boys.
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