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Versatile Fullbacks: The Most Overlooked Position

Published by on June 7, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

In football, a team cannot succeed without having good players at all positions. Every position is important, and without them, a team would fail. However, certain positions receive more attention than others. QBs and WRs—"skill positions"—generally are more talked about than Tackles and Punters. In the NFL, the most overlooked position is the Fullback.

Fullbacks are important. Without them, most halfbacks wouldn't be what they are today. They are the players who face up with tough linebackers and are expected to keep them away from the runner. 

Often, the defenders they face are a couple dozen pounds heavier than they. A 250 pound fullback is told to block a 290 pound linebacker who has his sights ...

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