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Well, it ain’t like Jerry and Stephen didn’t TRY to warn us…

Published by on April 26, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Jerry Jonessaid that Saturday was liable to be boring, perhaps even frustrating for us...

It was...

And Stephen hinted that the conventional wisdom about the Boys not using all 11 picks, instead doing some trade ups until they only had 8 or 9 picks might be wrong, and the Boys might use all 11 picks... then the Boys go out and trade down, and pick up one MORE pick...

So, let's review some of the other things they said, which a lot of us (including me) passed of as a smokescreen:

The Boys might not draft a QB this year...

The Boys probably wouldn't draft a WR too early...

The Boys would probably look for OL help...

I'd suggest that those clues might be...

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