Featured, NFL NEWS

What About Them Cowboys?

Published by on May 12, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

After the Cowboys' practice stadium collapse left one paralized and some injured two weeks ago, the Cowboys are leaving their old stadium and moving to a new one in Arlington, Texas. This is a $1.1 billion stadium.

They were at the old stadium from 1971-2008. They started there October 24, 1971 against the patriots, with a 44-21 win, and went on to the super bowl.

Should Romo ditch golf for football? Romo should be thinking about football and not about the U.S. Open. He's a good quarterback, but he's had trouble in the playoffs. Wether he knows it or not, he is the team leader and he needs to focus more on football and leading his team to the superbowl.

Their first game will be Aug. 13 at Oakland, the nex...

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