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What Others View As an Obsession, Is Merely a Hobby

Published by on May 26, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

My brother and I have something in common: among other things, we're both fanatics of the Carolina Panthers.

I spent a beautiful Memorial Day weekend at my bro's in Maryland. The weather was great, food was excellent, and one can never go wrong spending time with family. These liberties and more, we have, thanks to our men and women in the armed forces.

Fortunately for me, my brother has the NFL Network, and being that he lives closer to North Carolina than I do, his chances of seeing a live Panthers game far exceed mine. Thank goodness he tapes any game he can on TV.

While visiting, I got to see the game against the Chargers, Packers, the Monday night game against Tampa Bay, the Sunday night game (and bi...

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