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Why Brandon Marshall Will Not See A Trade From The Broncos In 2009

Published by on June 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

The Denver Broncos faced great woes this off-season.

They lost Mike Shanahan, the long tenured coach/adviser of the organization, and brought in Josh McDaniels from New England.

Trouble began quickly, when McDaniels attempted to make a play for Matt Cassell to Denver.

The feud then began between Cutler and McDaniels, an ongoing media event that lasted for weeks.

Finally, Cutler forced his way out of Denver, and was shipped off to Chicago.

After the trade, the Denver Broncos were able to move on.

They did what they felt was best for the organization in the draft; especially taking advantage with the extra picks they had from the deal.

Mini camp came around the corne...

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