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Why Do People Hate Philadelphia Eagles Fans?

Published by on April 22, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Chicago Cubs fans are lovable losers. We are obnoxious blowhards. Buffalo Bills fans are fiery and passionate.

We are ignorant and emotional.

Washington Redskins fans are knowledgeable.

We are stupid and undeserving.

Why is the Philadelphia fan so widely hated?

Is it because we hate ourselves?  Because we threw snowballs at Santa? Because we booed Donovan McNabb and cheered Michael Irvin’s career ending injury?


It is because we have the audacity to demand excellence.

We don’t  boo indiscriminately. Take the Santa incident. First of all,  it happened in 1968. Most people act as if it happened last Thursday. It is 41...

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