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Why I Love the New York Jets

Published by on May 26, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

I had the pleasant luck to be born in the early 1980s, which means that I never got to see Joe Namath play for the Jets except in archive footage. No Super Bowl guarantee for me. I had to make do with Ken O'Brien.

I got to watch The Jets go 6-9, 8-7-1, and 4-12 during my formative years between 1987 and 1989.

Even when the team followed up that run with 6-10, 8-8, 4-12, and 8-8 seasons, did I give up and stop watching? No. 

The reason why is simple—my grandfather.

He had worked for the NYPD for 25 years and then took his pension and ran. He ended up working as a security guard at Hofstra University in the early '80s. Hofstra, for those that don't know, is where the Jets have their t...

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