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Why Tom Cable Is Under More Pressure Than Jamarcus Russell

Published by on June 9, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

If Tom Cable thinks patronizing Jamarcus Russell is going to have a positive affect on his performance on the field, he has another thing coming. In April, the Raiders and Tom Cable brought Jeff Garcia aboard to help assist Russell in his development, or so they say. 

“To be very clear in his role, his role is to come in and be a backup that you can go in with that, if necessary, he plays and then second I think it’s important that you have a guy that’s a pro in there that’s really been through a lot,” Cable said.

Is this guy for real? Are we supposed to buy this statement. Why don't you tell us the truth Coach, why sugar coat it?  I don't mind you having a backup plan, but don...

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