Featured, NFL NEWS

Wide Right!: A Humorous Little Tale

Published by on May 21, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Hey, Bills fans, hope you are hanging in there as we slowly crawl toward the 2009 NFL season.

Since there aren't any games to watch, I figured I'd share a little story with you.

This story occurred last July in Buffalo, N.Y., my hometown that I was ripped away from when I was six years old (but that's for another day...).

My parents, sister, fiance, and I were visiting our family and staying at my Uncle Mark and Aunt Patty's house.

My stepdad, sister, and I were standing outside my Uncle and Aunt's house, looking across the busy street to the old cemetery about 50 feet in front of us.

As cars rolled by at 30 mph, my stepdad, in his usual playful manner, attempted to ...

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