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Will The Real Brett Favre Please Stand Up

Published by on May 1, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

As of right now, I'm still a Brett Favre fan. I've cheered for the man during all the glory years and defended him during the not so good times. 2007 is probably the proudest I've ever been to not only be a Green Bay Packers fan, but also as arguably the biggest Brett Favre fan.

My, how things have changed in the past 15 months.

When Favre retired last March I was heartbroken to say the least. Why would he just up and quit after getting within one game of the Super Bowl? Not to mention the fact that he had the same supporting cast returning for the upcoming season.

Then came the David Letterman appearance in April and it became apparent he was having second thoughts.

Fast forward to July 11, 2...

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