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A 24 Cup Perspective: Kaptain Kovy to Replace Kaptain Koivu?

Published by on May 27, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

A report out of the Russian paper Sovietsky Sport says the Montreal Canadiens are considering not re-signing current and long-time serving captain Saku Koivu and then signing Alex Kovalev to a one-year deal and handing the "C" over to No. 27.

Koivu's already expressed a possible interest in leaving Montreal at the tail end of the Boston Bruins' sweep of the Canadiens in this years playoffs.

"If I'm not signed by July 1, I don't think I'll be back in Montreal," commented Koivu.

"Finishing your career with one team would be awesome in a way, but it's too early to say because I don't know what the team's plan is."

Now opens the newest and perhaps most painful chapter in the ongoing Koivu-Kovalev ...

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