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Are We Watching the End of the Flyers Organization as We Know It?

Published by on April 18, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

If the Philadelphia Flyers get swept away by the Penguins in their first round series, are the Flyers as we know them finished?

Go back to the days of the Broad street bullies and you will find the humble beginnings of a long cultivated identity that goes along with Philadelphia hockey.  Tough as nails and full of grit, opponents learned that in order to play the Flyers you had to pay a physical price. 

Players like Bobby Clarke, and Ron Hextall embodied this image more than any, and when Bob Clarke took over as the head of Personnel decisions, he made sure the roster was always stocked with players that fit the image.  After all this is the team that took Steve Downie in the first round, not because...

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