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B/R 2009 Playoff Pool First-Round Results

Published by on April 28, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

All right everyone, the first round of the NHL playoffs are over, and for some of the B/R contestants they too will be hitting the links along with the eight other teams who were knocked out this round as well.

The first round saw one contestant get a possible 11 points out of 16, and then there was another contestant who only got 3 out 16 possible.

There was a tie for the bottom three and so there was a coin toss to determine which one of those three would be safe, and which two would be making an early exit.

Here are the results of our first round:

1.Wally McNab-11pts
2.Tab Bamford-8pts
3.John Gehan-7pts
4.Matt Hunter-6pts
5.Steve Prud-6pts
6.Jim Chandley-5pts

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