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Bring Back the Whalers: A Letter to Gary Bettman

Published by on May 6, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Dear Mr. Bettman,

I know you're busy squeezing the life out of a once-proud sport, but I'd like a little bit of your time to give you a little business proposal.

We all know that you don't want to move the Phoenix Coyotes to Hamilton. So here's an alternative:

Bring back the Whalers!

That's right, if you haven't considered Hartford as a destination for the Coyotes yet; you should.

Hartford might not the biggest city, and it probably won't make you the most money. But, I can guarantee that if you bring the NHL back to Hartford, we will support the team whole-heartedly.

We're like a guy whose girlfriend left them. We haven't messed around with anyone else since then; we w...

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