Featured, NHL NEWS

Could the Phoenix Coyotes Return to Winnipeg?

Published by on May 17, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

The lead attorney for the Phoenix Coyotes, Earl Scudder, said NHL commissioner Gary Bettman told him that he would would rather have the team move back to Winnipeg, rather than relocate to Southern Ontario.

From a report in the Toronto Star, Scudder related the comment in a declaration filed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court, where the battle over control of the franchise between the NHL and owner Jerry Moyes is set for a hearing this Tuesday.

NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly called the bankruptcy filing, “nothing more than a scheme to misuse this court and sidestep the NHL’s transfer of ownership and relocation process, as well as the league’s fundamental right to choose its own members and to decide where...

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