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Have the Stanley Cup Playoffs Become Stale?

Published by on May 28, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Farbeit for me as a die-hard hockey fan to say that I won't watch the Stanley Cup Finals.

I'm just not so sure I'll be as enthusiastic about them as I was about the hockey playoffs as a whole when they began a month and a half ago.

I've always prided myself on watching as many hockey games as I possibly could, even if the game involved two teams I didn't care about or even hated.

Why? Because the sport still fascinates me after nearly 20 years of watching. I almost always learn something new during every game, be it about the game itself or the players and coaches who put on the show.

Every year, I live for the playoffs. I'll make it no secret that I'm a Flyers fan, and since my team has peren...

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