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Hold the Phone Homer: Philadelphia Flyers Contact Esche About Back-Up Goalie

Published by on June 13, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Apparently, the Flyers like Russia.

According to Tim Pannacio, the Flyers have contacted goalie Robert Esche's agent about backing up Ray Emery this upcoming fall.

I am a strong supporter of the signing of Emery to be the starting netminder for the Flyers, its a low risk, high reward move that if it hits, it'll pay dividends, and if it doesn't, oh well, see ya later Ray!

However bringing back Bob isn't the way to go, at least not at a price over a million.

At one time, Esche was an OK starting goalie, but he wasn't never great.  He was just like every other goalie for the Flyers in the last decade or so, just average.  The Brian Boucher's of the world, the Roman Checkmanek's of the w...

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