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Holy Galvanised Rubber Bettman!

Published by on June 2, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

When I sat down to write this I was originally going to scribe something to do with Sidney Crosby's groin-like facial hair or Jim's Silly Balls and his bid to buy the Coyotes, but after noticing many articles already on these ever popular topics, I decided not to.

Instead I find myself drawn to the ever popular topic of hockey pucks. Yes, my friends, that black rubber biscuit we love so much is going to embrace us today much the same way hockey players do after scoring a goal; with a hug, a head tap, and a lovingly tap on the rear end.

The standard ice hockey puck is a remarkable item really.  It's origin is many depending on who you talk to, but the general consensus is that the puck originated in 1875 by a bal...

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