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In Game 6 I Got What I Wanted…

Published by on June 10, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Game seven!

Being a hockey fan I love watching the culmination of a season of toughness, grit, and a sincere desire to win.

Being a Flyers fan, I hate the Penguins for obvious reasons. Being a hockey fan, I hate the Red Wings because they have dominated the league in recent times and because of the 1997 Stanley Cup Finals.

Because of this controversy, I didn't know who to cheer for. I could cheer for Pittsburgh and go against my Philadelphia tradition, or I could cheer for Detroit and support a team I've hated for years.

While I haven't been cheering for one team during the entire Finals, I have been cheering for both at different times.

In games one and two I wanted to see Detroi...

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