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It’s Time to Move On, Detroit Red Wings Fans

Published by on June 14, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NHL

Today was a beautiful Sunday afternoon and i'm sure some Red Wings fans are still bitter about Friday night's game.

Yes I can understand all the disappointment all the Red Wings fans felt, I share it with all the fans I was ticked watching Sidney Crosby skate on the Wings home ice with the cup. But one thing that we all need to do is just  forget about it.

After the game it seemed to me like all the Wings fans jumped to the first excuse they could think of. Crosby is a crybaby, Crosby didn't shake Lidstrom's hand, Bettman wanted the Pens to win, it was fixed, refs didn't give wings calls, refs gave the wings chippy penalty calls, etc.

Who cares? There's an old saying that says "Excuses are...

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